LittleBigRefresh Documentation Help

Using Refresher to patch a game on RPCS3

Refresher has native support for decrypting and patching RPCS3 games. This guide aims to show you how to operate Refresher's RPCS3 patcher. At the end of this, you will be able to select your server of choice inside the game patches menu of RPCS3.

To download Refresher, you must first visit the Releases Page.

Then, pick the option corresponding to the operating system that is running on your computer. Refresher currently does not provide built binaries for macOS due to issues with code signing. To run Refresher on macOS, you must build the project yourself via the dotnet toolset.

Refresher Artifacts

Once you have downloaded the built binaries for your operating system, simply unzip the archive, and you should have an executable.

A Screenshot of Refresher's RPCS3 patching screen

Step 1: Enter the location of RPCS3's filesystem

Every copy of RPCS3 has a folder titled dev_hdd0 containing game files and digital licenses required for Refresher to modify the game. Obviously, you can't patch anything without knowing where anything is, so we need to tell Refresher where this folder is!

If you are on Linux or macOS, this will be automatically detected for you, and you do not need to do anything. On Windows, however, the files aren't at any particular known location. Refresher is unable to read minds at this current point in time, so you'll have to provide this directory.

Here's where it should be:

A screenshot of Windows File Explorer, browsed to an installation of RPCS3. The dev_hdd0 folder is highlighted.

Once you've found this folder, head back to Refresher and click 'Browse' in the top field. Navigate to this directory and click Select Folder. Click 'Game To Patch' and all the games loaded into RPCS3 should appear.

Step 2: Fill in the server URL

You should have been given a URL by the person operating the server you're trying to connect to. Copy this URL into the second field - the one named 'Server URL'.

In the case of the official LittleBigRefresh instance, you will use the IP

Next, hit the button that says 'AutoDiscover'. This will trigger Refresher to attempt to connect to the remote server to gather more details and extra patching instructions from it. AutoDiscover is required for some games, so you should always use it.

Most servers based on Bunkum, most notably Refresh, should support this protocol. Other servers such as Project Lighthouse do not support this protocol.

If successful, Refresher will open a pop-up presenting the information it gathered from the server. Click 'Yes' to accept these settings, and Refresher will automatically do the rest when you patch.

A dialog box from Refresher, indicating that AutoDiscover has been performed successfully.

Step 3: Patch!

Now, click the patch button. It should decrypt the game, and add a new entry to your game's patches menu.

Open up RPCS3, right-click the game and select "Manage Game Patches". Enable the patch titled "Refresher".

A screenshot of RPCS3, indicating where to go.

When all is set and ready to go, register an account on our website, and then open the game and start browsing levels to activate your account!

Last modified: 05 September 2024