LittleBigRefresh Documentation Help

Refresh APIv3 Bindings

Refresh's API is intended to be accessible and used by anyone. To facilitate this, here's a set of bindings we've created for a couple of languages, as well as some information on how to create your own.

Creating your own bindings

If you would like to roll your own solution to your bindings, we have some helpful tools available. Obviously, we're open source, so you can just look at the code, but we do care about proper documentation.

Past that, though, we automatically generate API documentation at runtime and serve that over the API. You can view that in a browser on our production instance here if you would like, but the documentation is also exposed on every Refresh server's API via /api/v3/documentation.


Work In Progress


We haven't started working on these bindings yet. Stay tuned!

  • .NET (C#/VB.NET/F#)

  • TypeScript/JavaScript for Node.js

  • Python

Last modified: 05 September 2024