LittleBigRefresh Documentation Help

Welcome to LittleBigRefresh!

LittleBigRefresh is a community to discuss anything and everything LittleBigPlanet, as well as development of Refresh, a second-generation custom server with improved quality of life features. LittleBigRefresh currently supports LBP1, LBP2, LBP3 (PS3), LBP Vita, and LBP PSP (PSP/Vita).

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  1. Follow Discord's terms of service. These can be found at

  2. No spam or self-promotion (server invites, advertisements, etc.) without permission from a staff member. This includes DMing fellow members.

  3. Treat everyone with respect. Harassment, witch-hunting, rage-baiting, sexism, racism, hate speech, or any other form of hateful conduct or targeting will not be tolerated.

  4. No mature or obscene content. This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other inappropriate material.

  5. Please keep criticism and conversation civil; don’t be intentionally rude or abrasive. We do our best to be understanding, but will take note of consistently unpleasant behavior.

  6. Endorsement or admission of piracy won't be tolerated. We won't mute you for mention of the subject, but we will take action if you're discussing methods or encouraging others to pirate.

  7. Try to avoid discussing hot topics (drama/politics/religion/recent events, etc.) We’re all here to play and discuss a great game series we enjoy, it's best not to dwell on unrelated topics that may divide or embitter.

This list is non-exhaustive of behavior we might take action on, but in effect, use common sense and all will be well. If you have any questions about our rules feel free to contact a staff member; if you have suggestions you can create a GitHub issue on our documentation repo.


Generally, we try to be hands-off when it comes to punishment. Mistakes happen and everyone has off days–more often than not we might simply ask you to stop doing something and the offending content will be deleted. In more extreme cases you might receive a warning from us–again this isn’t a punishment so to speak but something we issue in the hopes that behavior changes. With that being said, if you deliberately and/or repeatedly push buttons, we will not hesitate to mute or ban you depending on the severity of your offenses.


We currently lack a proper appeals system due to lack of cases. However, if you believe a punishment was unfairly administered, you can reach out to a staff member on Discord–preferably not the one who issued the punishment (as to avoid bias)–or email us at or to explain your perspective. Most punishments we issue tend to focus on general behavior rather than individual incidents so in most instances we probably won’t reverse a decision.

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Last modified: 05 September 2024